Unlock daily savings with your membership
Your membership unlocks a range of benefits and discounts, including exclusive Territorian deals from local retail and entertainment outlets. Additionally, you can enjoy travel benefits such as car hire and campervan rental.
Our discounts on gift cards from national retailers provide additional advantages specifically tailored for those living in the Northern Territory. And, of course, don't forget about the fuel discounts you can enjoy with United.
Already a member and looking to access your benefits?
Darwin Airport Parking
Save 25% on Airport Parking
Take control of your journey the next time you travel...
Event Cinemas
Save up to 40% on movie tickets
Experience the magic of the big screen at Event...
SILK Laser Clinics
Save on laser and skin treatments
SILK Laser Clinics is Darwin's go-to-clinic for...
United Fuel Discount
Enjoy 6c off every litre of fuel
Everybody loves a fuel discount. That’s why we’re...
Woolworths Gift Card
Save 4% on Supermarket Gift Cards
Experience the convenience of a Woolworths...